#1 Your ‘silo’ is my ‘focus’ or team, Top NPS & Customer Service thought leaders to follow in 2017
![]() Welcome to my first newsletter. I hope you will find the subjects interesting. I will try to cover four topics each time:
The Top 15 NPS & Customer Service Thought Leaders to Follow in 2017 I was pleasantly surprised to find myself on this list together with so many people I admire. Thanks to Cvetilena Gocheva for thinking of me. I hope I can justify the honor. Your ‘silo’ is my ‘focus’ or ‘team’ I love behavioral economics. People do not behave nearly as rationally as we would like to think. Daniel Kahneman, Dan Arieli and others have written extensively on the subject. We have emotional reactions to particular words. One that affects strategy and customer experience is the word ‘silo’. “Let’s break down the organizational silos” always seems to sound intelligent. However, I would like to suggest that ‘team’ is another word that designates the same thing. A CEO appoints teams to focus on a specific area. Their mission is to be better at that area than the company’s competitors. These are the same teams we refer to as silos when we feel we should criticize lack of collaboration or administrative overhead. Your ’silo’ is my team. From our blog
Here are the two new posts on our blog this week. Last week’s posts on stratgegy and on the rules for ensuring sponsorship for your work are of course still available on the blog page.
Notable posts and quotes from others
Bruce Temkin – 2017 is “The Year of Purpose Bruce called 2016 “The Year of Emotion”, and used this opening post for 2017 to explain why he believes we are now in “The Year of Purpose” Clicking here will open the page in a new window. Rob Markey answers listeners’ questions about NPS Rob has been answering listeners’ questions about the Net Promoter System in recent podcasts. Click here for the one that answers the following questions, among others: Why does the Net Promoter scale go from zero to 10? Why is passive not the same as neutral? How do I find a competitive benchmark for my industry? Looking forward
About a week from now I will have all the data I need to produce my second sort-of-annual report on the relationship between employee happiness and customer experience scores. Last time around, the study covered over 200 companies and demonstrated that employee happiness explains only about 3.5% of customer satisfaction. Indeed, in most industries, there was no relationship at all. You should expect to see a blog on the topic the week after next. Thanks for reading. Let me know if you see any formatting issues. My brother Peter and I have done our best to test on a variety of clients. We have kept the format as simple as possible. If you use Outlook on Windows, you will probably have to click something to allow images to be displayed. Feel free to change or cancel your subscription using the link below. You can also email me (Maurice FitzGerald) at mfg@customerstrategy.net. To change your subscription, click here.