February 21, 2018 #49 – Cost predictability, events customers, employees, partners and communities should worry about Maurice FitzGerald / Newsletter / Activist investors, Bain, Cost, cost cutting, Customer Experience, CX assessment, M&A, NPS, Temkin /
February 19, 2018 Choosing a benchmark research provider for NPS, CSAT or any other customer experience metrics Maurice FitzGerald / Blog, NPS / Bain, benchmarks, Net Promoter System, NPS, research, Surveys, Temkin /
February 13, 2018 Valentine’s Day classic blog – How to stay married – to your customers of course! Maurice FitzGerald / Blog, NPS / customer culture, Customer Experience, Net Promoter System, NPS, Relationships, strategy /
February 7, 2018 #47 – IKEA, Cleveland Clinic, cultural differences, UK service awards and ‘wooden spoon’ Maurice FitzGerald / Newsletter / Cleveland Clinic, CSAT, IKEA, newsletter, Science-based medicine, strategy, Surveys /
February 5, 2018 Executive Sponsors and Project Sponsors – Teams you may want to implement Maurice FitzGerald / Blog / Chief Customer Officer, customer culture, Customer Experience, Customers, CX, Executive Sponsors /
February 1, 2018 #46 – Artificial Intelligence and CX, sponsorship for your work, Micro Focus, Barclays, record book sales Maurice FitzGerald / Newsletter / AI, Artificial Intelligence, Barclays, Customer Experience, Micro Focus, Natural Language Processing, Net Promoter System, Sponsorship, strategy /
January 27, 2018 #45 – CX as Homeostatic System, NPS Standard, CX ROI, and more Maurice FitzGerald / Newsletter / Antioxidants, Customer Experience, Hygiene factors, Net Promoter System, NPS, strategy, vitamins /
January 27, 2018 Customer Advisory Boards – One of four types of team you may want to implement Maurice FitzGerald / Blog / CAB, Customer Advisory Board, Customer Experience, Relationships, strategy /
January 22, 2018 Customer Success Team – First of four types of team you may want to implement Maurice FitzGerald / Blog / Chief Customer Officer, CSAT, customer culture, Customer Experience, Customer Success, strategy /