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Let us help you, or simply design and run your web or email-based surveys for you. While we can implement many types of surveys, our core expertise is surveys that include both rating questions and those with open text answers. These are questions like “What would you like us to improve?” We can execute multilingual surveys, though our core language competencies are for English, French and German.

We provide two types of survey analysis. We have deep expertise in statistical analysis of numerical ratings given by customers. Unlike others, our competence is particularly strong for small sample sizes (under 30). Text analysis is an emerging area of customer research that allows you to get meaningful results from surveys with just a few questions. We stay current with what is possible, and use the best tools available at any given time.
Example of an email to be sent to a customer to solicit feedback after completion of a project.

Text analytics example
Example of a Haven OnDemand analysis of text responses to a student survey.