#25 – NPS Podcast reactions – 404 page fun – ‘Episodes’


Welcome to the 25th edition of my customer strategy newsletter. The five topics this week are:

  1. Reactions to last week’s Net Promoter System podcast – Q&A with Rob Markey
  2. Summer fun (or winter fun for the southern hemisphere): 404 pages
  3. Latest blog posts
  4. Notable items from other sites – Reichheld on Episodes, Bliss on Silos
  5. Looking forward

Reactions to the Net Promoter System podcast with Rob Markey

Thank you for the many comments and questions I received after the Bain Net Promoter System podcast I recorded with Rob Markey went live last week. “A really outstanding episode” and “Another excellent podcast” are examples. Indeed, the reactions Rob Markey has had have been so positive that we agreed to record another six episodes together. One will appear per month, for the next six months. Last week’s podcast lasted close to an hour. Each of the next six will last 20 to 30 minutes and will cover a single subject, or maybe two. We will record the first three on July 31st.

So, my request to anyone interested in NPS is to listen to the last episode and help us to prioritize the subjects for the next six. You have suggested some subjects we have not covered yet, such as benchmarking, how to communicate NPS concepts simply and effectively to different audiences, how to perform great in-depth interviews with your most important customers, how to improve response rates, and more. Please send suggestions to mfg@customerstrategy.net.


Summer fun item (OK, winter fun if you are in the southern hemisphere)

Web designers have a semi-secret way of showing off their skills, whether or not their company or client is aware of it. I am now going to reveal their secret: they mess with your ‘404 page not found’ error messages. My brother and co-author has skills beyond art and cognitive psychology. He has done many websites for all sorts of businesses, and did most of the design work for our customerstrategy.net site. I love his 404 pages. When you click on the link, you will see one version. To see all of them, click repeatedly on the light grey reload arrow just below the bottom-right corner of each drawing. The 404 pages are here.

If you are interested in learning more about Peter’s skills, you can see his portfolio of business websites at ibusiness.website. Go to iculture.website if you are interested in his portfolio for art galleries and suchlike.


Our latest blog posts

Whether because of the kittens or because you like true / false questions, these posts have been popular. I realize a couple of the answers are difficult to understand without the context of the corresponding chapter of our book Net Promoter – Implement the System. The post on Journey Mapping has now had over 3,000 reads. It and all others are of course still available on the blog page.

image A Kitten! And the Net Promoter System® Quiz – Part 3 – Survey Design

Yet another kitten, and the third in a series of true or false questions about the Net Promoter System. This time the questions are about survey design.

image A Kitten! And the Net Promoter System® Quiz – Part 2

Now that you have seen another kitten, it is time for the second in a series of true or false questions about the Net Promoter System. This time the questions relate to ensuring that NPS is a reliable, trusted currency / metric.

image Kittens! And the Net Promoter System® Quiz – Part 1

Now that you have seen some kittens, it is time for the first in a series of true or false questions about the Net Promoter System. you can look forward to seven or eight short quizzes in all.

Notable customer experience items from other sites

Fred Reichheld blog post about ‘Episodes’

While it dates from March, I had not read Fred’s post titled Want Loyal Customers? Understand the Episodes That Matter until this week. Fred and his Bain colleagues are finding it useful to speak about episodes, rather than ‘transactions’ a company has with a customer. An episode can include several transactions or customer touch points. Fred defines an episode this way: “It is when a customer has a task to complete or a need to fulfill through the company. It has a clear start and end, marked by the customer completing what he or she set out to do. Episodes range from a single interaction (such as paying a bill online) to an intricate series of interactions spanning weeks (such as getting fixed broadband service moved to a new home).” I find the concept useful. It is similar, but not identical to a concept called ‘jobs to be done’ that I may cover in another newsletter or blog post.

Jeanne Bliss blog: Silos don’t have to hurt your CX, but they often do

Jeanne used to be Chief Customer Officer for Microsoft and is an authority on that job role. She has a balanced view on silos in this post. We often use the word ‘silo’ when we want to be negative about a team that has a focus on a particular area. Our intuitive reaction to ‘silo’ is negative, while the potentially identical ‘strategic business development team’ would be perceived positively. Words are powerful. You can read Jeanne’s blog here.


Looking forward

I will be preparing the contents for the next three Net Promoter System podcasts over the coming week. As mentioned above, your input is most welcome.

Please share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues and encourage them to sign up for it here. I have put links to past newsletters on the subscription page. Finally, please feel free to change or cancel your subscription using the link below.

You can also email me, Maurice FitzGerald, at mfg@customerstrategy.net.

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